Why Sponsor AWS Community Day?

As a sponsor you will have access to the leading AWS technologists who are joining us from across the Midwest. Being a Community Day sponsor provides the opportunity to be associated with the leading cloud provider in the minds of these leading technologists.

Sponsorship Tiers for 2024



  • 6 free passes to the event ($300 value)
  • Logo & link on website
  • Thank you on social media
  • Pop up banner

    (sponsor sets up at their table)

  • SWAG

    (at their table)

  • 5' table
    (high traffic area / lunch & drinks)
  • Logo on event signage and screens
  • Promotion on social media

  • (Limited number of spots available)



  • 2 free passes to the event ($100 value)
  • Logo & link on website
  • Thank you on social media

Please see the Sponsor Prospectus for additional sponsorship information.